Skeptics Welcome!
Whether you consider yourself a Christian or someone in search of answers to life's difficult questions, we are glad you're here! We hope to help you take the next steps in your spiritual journey!

Sundays 9:00 & 10:45 AM
What to Expect
Worship Service
Join us either in person or for our live stream worship. Service length is approximately 90 minutes. In addition to worship in the sanctuary we offer a live stream of the service in several locations throughout our campus to accommodate varying health and family needs.
During our 9:00 service, we have two family pod nurseries for children ages 1-4. We also have three “Wiggle Rooms” and a nursing moms’ room. All rooms feature a live stream of the worship service.
What to Wear
Wear whatever you are comfortable wearing. Some wear their "Sunday Best," and others prefer jeans and a t-shirt.
Starting Place
If you're new, our desire is that you won’t be a stranger for long but will soon feel like a part of our church family. Our welcome classes will help you learn about Cornerstone and get connected. Fill out the card below!
Where We Are